Wednesday, January 06, 2010

A new year, a forgotten blog spot, and perhaps an older me with fresh ideas. I was just asked if I had made some new years resolutions. I said immediately "of course I have". I then pondered on that and thought like always the same things promised to myself that seem to melt away as quickly as the snow. The weight loss, the lets get organized and of course watching the finances. This year I want to dive into something that seems utterly impossible and terrifying. This endeavor requires no parachutes or ropes. I want to release my imagination and see where it takes me. No boundaries (with the exception of the legal kind, lol). I think that dreams are not just when we sleep, they may in fact be the very seeds that only our waking selves can water. I look forward to this year and all it's possibilities.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I am back and have absolutely nothing exciting to talk about. I have not really done anything exciting this summer. I think it always comes down to scheduling conflicts, which are usually my teen's. Sarah went to girl's state for a week, (she has a job too) she is working now with developmentally delayed kids, she is doing a great job and has her own money ( Yay). Jordan and Sarah leave for church camp this next week and then Sarah goes to Cheerleading camp, Jordan is doing some summer school classes online.
My plans for mission trip did not work out, trip which was cancelled due to not enough people participating. We needed more people for a group rate. But we had some very generous donations from people to help send us. They were amazing, one person sponsored us with 2,000.00 and that was unbelieveable.We sent the check back and hopefully he new the depth of our gratitude.
I can't end a blog without an update of course on the whole diet thing. I have lost 25# and have a ways to go. I am hoping to drop some more by exercising more often. (It sucks getting up early) I have to make myself do it. I sometimes buy those magazines like People that show the before and after pics. I guess it really is amazing at the differences.I keep hoping that they will inspire me to do more and be consistent.
Stacey, I think that you do deserve some kind of metal for leaving a comment on every blog I have ever done, you are a studlet.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Welcoming weather....

I am more than ready for some time to work out in the yard. I think it is because I would rather do just about anything then work inside especially on the phone. I think that I may be one of those old women one day who wears funny garden hats and peculiar clothes. I do love to be outside. But for now I will have to return to that other life called work......

Friday, April 21, 2006

High School

This year has really flown by. I am not sure that I have ever really quite prepared myself for this phase of my life. I always thought that there would be things, like clear indicators that it was time to brace yourself, that some changes were on the horizon. But somewhere along the way you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and realize that your boobs are no longer perky, that you are sporting more than one chin and for some of us we have hair growing where we do not want it. When going from first light to midnight was no big deal, you could party all night and now you're lucky if you can make it till the news is over at 10:30. When style is more for comfort and you have to convince yourself that sweat pants are not the latest style. But we all must admit that we love it when we meet someone our age and know that we look better than they do, smug satifaction...not right but we all know that we do know you do. But nothing quite humbles you more than your own teenagers....I guess that is what is meant when our parents all said you will have one just like ya and some of us did. But of course my children are perfect........LOL just like I told my parents they would be...Haha haha


Monday, April 10, 2006

Well, I had the day off from my regular job, but who has ever heard of a day off for a mom and homeowner? I often think that if I would win the lottery or inherit a fortune( hint, hint if anyone wants to put me down for this I am okay with that) I would hire a full time Gardner, cook, house keeper, personal massage therapist. I am not holding my breath but it does sound nice hmmmm.

I finished reading Memoirs of a Geisha, great book, then I made the mistake and watched the movie, not as good naturally. But still okay. I was disappointed in the book The Mermaid Chair. Not as good as her book the secret life of bees. But I did like some of the characters. I am afraid to start another, I am not able to get anything done because I cant stop reading.

I think that it is starting to come together regarding our missions trip. This is our last real summer with Sarah since she will graduate next year so we figured we should get on it. We are planning on Thailand again. We have some other people going around that time and it makes for a more affordable trip. I think we may stay behind and enjoy the beach for a few days, we will be pushing pretty hard for a while. I know that my kids would love that. Well I better get busy again. This was a nice break.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Well, according to my friend Stacy, I have been a slacker....A case that I clearly can't argue. I have had this blog site for months and have failed to even complete one sentence. But at last I have come through.
So to begin with I would just like to say that putting your thoughts down for everyone to see is a bit strange but somehow liberating. I hope that I just don't get too carried away. Like first of all I am still on a diet, (like forever) I am no closer to a bikini then when I was a teenager (which feels just like yesterday but in no way looks like it). lol...
Today, somehow my daughter Sarah has talked her 15yr old brother Jordan and his friend to go to Yoga with her tonight. I have some bets placed that they don't make it through the lingo of down dog, cobra, ect....I think once these words are uttered there will be hysterical laughter and they will be asked to leave ASAP. So much for checking out the girls, (which really was their plan all along).
As for myself I have been working today, which you would think that things would have slowed down but they have not. Lots of newborns, sick kids and the 20 or so calls for teenagers in crisis, depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, anorexia etc..etc..
We are going to fly to Philadelphia again for a meeting on the HPV vaccine. This is pretty exciting. We were involved in one clinical trial already. This is such an awesome vaccine that I am excited to see it get on the market. We have finally concluded the Rotateq study and now we are actually ordering it. Gotta love that. At least if you knew how huge it was you would appreciate it more. My friend Stacy does (makes one cringe just thinking about how huge it was).
Well I hope to really do something with posting some pictures on here and keeping you all on the edge of your seat on my chronic diet issues. Until then I bid you adieu
